Critics say the company would find Romanian workers if it offered better wages.
Immigration is expected to increase in the future, as large numbers of Romanian workers leave the country and are being replaced by foreigners.
A few (approximately 200) Romanian workers are employed in dock 5.
The company operated with Romanian workers until 2003, when operations were suspended because the work force had dwindled to 200.
Ceaucescu lived in luxury at the palace while Romanian workers starved.
But for the Romanian workers, as for the Thais and the others, there was only one reason they had come: money.
I call for the barriers preventing the free movement of Romanian and Bulgarian workers to be lifted.
November 25: At least six Romanian workers died after a train slammed into a vehicle in southern Italy.
"We don't have any Romanian workers because they have all left to work" in Western and Central Europe.
His Israeli boss, he said, recently called and told him that he was worth five of the Romanian workers who had replaced him.