Cesereanu is a member of the Romanian Writers' Union since 1994, and of the Romanian PEN Club since 2001.
Gheo is a member of PEN Club from Romania (since 2005) and of the Romanian Writers' Union (since 2003).
The magazine was revived in 2002 by Mihai Cimpoi, being printed under the auspices of both the Romanian Writers' Union and the Moldovan Writers' Union.
Together with Gheorghe Dem Theodorescu, Grigore Brătianu and economist Gogu Cantacuzino, they founded the economic nationalist bloc later known as "Romanian Democratic Union".
Biographical data from UCMR (Romanian Union of Composers and Musicologists)
In 1974 and 1977, invited by the president of the Romanian Writers' Union, Vieru visited Bucharest, Constanţa, Iaşi, and cities in Transylvania.
A member of the Romanian Writers' Union, he was the recipient of its special prize in 2003.
After the Writers' Society was restructured as the Romanian Writers' Union in 1949, Sadoveanu became its Honorary President.
She has a degree in law and is a member of the Romanian Writers' Union and the Writers' Society of Bucharest, She has published eleven poetry volumes.
Alongside Ivănceanu and others, he spoke out against official policies during sessions of the Romanian Writers' Union, an official body reuniting literary figures.