A stone bridge recorded in 1719 collapsed on Rogation Day in 1770 during a beating the bounds ceremony causing many injuries.
There are three homilies dealing with Rogation Days.
He insisted that parishioners 'walked the bounds' to keep the footpaths open on each Rogation Day.
Rogation Days are the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following the Twenty Eighth Sunday of the Year and can be moved to suit local custom.
Often the Ember Days or Rogation Days are also specified, and the eves of certain feasts.
Rogation Days are, in the calendar of the Western Church, four days traditionally set apart for solemn processions to invoke God's mercy.
The Rogation Days, observed by asking God's blessings on the resources he has given us.
The Rogation Days are always the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day.
To mark the Rogation Days, Otto travelled to his palace at Memleben, the place where his father had died 37 years earlier.
In England the Litany of Rogation Days (Gang-Days) was known in the earliest periods.