The airfield site today has become a housing estate called Riverview Park; little can be identified of the original use.
In 1916 massive flooding not only destroyed whatever remained of Riverview Park but it swept away the watershed community.
In 1956 the site was taken over by the town council; the large estate known as Riverview Park was built on its site.
I again remembered the fun house at Riverview Park, and this time grinned despite myself.
The subdivision of lots was recorded in 1946 and was known as "Riverview Park".
Then the terrain became less crowded and after another minute or two she saw a sign for Riverview Park on her right.
It was after midnight now, and with no traffic they made good time to Riverview Park.
This is an article about the amusement park called Riverview Park.
The team played in a stadium on the west side in the former Riverview Park.
By 1908, another area amusement park, Riverview Park, was also involved in this cause.