The residential area of Richards Bay developed north of the harbour.
There are 12,433 households in Richards Bay, with 66.4 percent of such households being house or brick structure.
The unemployment rate in Richards Bay alone is 19 percent, compared with 55 percent in surrounding rural areas.
There were few Catholics in Richards Bay in the beginning, but their number increased steadily with the development of the town.
It currently has a capacity of 301 million m3 and is principally for provision of water to the industrial complex at Richards Bay.
The place still exists and it is next to Richards Bay.
He died in poverty in 1993, at Richards Bay, South Africa.
There are large aluminium-smelting plants at Richards Bay, on the north coast.
In 2010 the club moved its headquarters from Durban to Richards Bay.
It heads south, for nine kilometers to meet the R34 at Richards Bay.