Gray began seriously writing poems in 1742, mainly after his close friend Richard West died.
Richard West, a British journalist, tracks Defoe's career by the books that he left scattered along the way.
Richard West was another veteran correspondent who attacked the book.
Soon the three were pirouetting around the living room twice a week for 45 minutes, while her husband, Richard West (pictured above), played the piano.
Richard West (c.1691-1726) was an 18th-century lawyer and politician.
The officers who conducted the search on Monday took one club member, Richard West, into custody, but he was released hours later without being charged.
Richard West, dean of the school, said through a spokesman that details were still being worked out.
Richard West was another of the most decorated officers of the First World War.
He has had two long-term collaborators in his career, Anne Cunningham and Richard West.
Saracens were never in it and when Richard West went over for a try, it was virtually all over.