Rewards range from having your name in the credits, an initial shot at the product itself and in some cases even revenue returns.
Rewards range between £100 and £3,000, depending upon weight loss targets, plan length, and fee level selected.
Rewards can range from 1-5 Pink Slips.
Rewards can range from a pre-release digital version of the songs, limited edition schwag signed by the band, free concert tickets, or even a private concert in your own home.
Rewards for meeting or exceeding standards may range from special recognition to salary increases or promotions.
Rewards range from digital content such as computer wallpaper, music and mobile phone ringtones, to physical items such as keyrings, calendars, t-shirts and other clothing items, to premium items such as soundtrack albums and game controllers.
Rewards ranged from a digital copy of the album to a having your name in the CD liner notes to a weekend camping trip with Skistimas.
Rewards range from toy store gift certificates to payments of $200 or more, and the practice escapes federal regulation.
Rewards range from 0.05 to 10 percent of the first $75,000 recovered (not including interest), up to 5 percent of the next $25,000 and 1 percent of any additional recovery, with the total not exceeding $100,000.