Moment of Masochism Yet in France, whose Revolution of 1789 shattered the old theocratic order and ushered in the shifting modern age, this penitential process has acquired a special intensity.
The 25th Revolution and the fall of former Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, in February 2011 ushered a new era of Arts that reflects new social and political environment.
In North America, the Oligarchy maintains power for three centuries until the Revolution succeeds and ushers in the Brotherhood of Man.
After the elections to the Cortes 20 September 1858, the Liberal Union had a majority of seats; it maintained power continuously until the Glorious Revolution of 1868 ushered in the Sexenio Democrático.
The French Revolution however ushered in a period, he writes, that brought romantic ballet to the stage.
The French Revolution ushered in 25 years of republican and imperial wars which involved military glory and rural depression.
In 1959 the Cuban Revolution ushered in fundamental changes in how Cuban baseball was organized.
The 1930 Revolution ushered in a coalition favoring protection of Brazilian manufacturers, backed by the bourgeoisie and landed interests.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of the Communist Soviet government ushered in a period of repression for the Russian Orthodox Church.