A Reuters journalist said a "gang of thugs" had stormed the news service's office and started smashing windows.
The uniformed animals who shot up the Reuters journalists walk free, and the leaker of the damning video gets life.
He was also to assess whether two Reuters journalists were killed, and determine what they were doing at the scene of the incident.
WikiLeaks stated that the footage shows the "murder of Iraqi civilians and two Reuters journalists".
The book was called "The preppers' Bible", by a Reuters journalist.
On 6 June, an on-site Reuters journalist reported that the pro-Gaddafi forces were nowhere to be seen in or around the town.
This legal inquiry focusses only upon the deaths of the two Reuters journalists.
A 2011 article by Reuters journalists described Glencore as he biggest company you never heard of.
The first Reuters journalist to be taken hostage in action was Anthony Grey.
Assange had obtained internal Army records of the operation, which stated that everyone killed, except for the Reuters journalists, was an insurgent.