Resurrection appearances of Jesus - are reported to have occurred after his death, burial and resurrection, but prior to his Ascension.
The first eleven verses are the earliest account of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus in the New Testament.
One of the most widely recalled Resurrection appearances of Jesus is the doubting Thomas conversation (John 20:24-29) between him and Thomas the Apostle after his death.
As he did this he buried the Mary Play inside the Nativity sequence and copied the Passion Play into place between the Raising of Lazarus and the Resurrection appearances.
Resurrection appearances (1:3)
These accounts lead to beliefs concerning the Resurrection of Jesus, with many Resurrection appearances of Jesus.
The final part of the creed (verses 5-8) deals with his post- Resurrection appearances: "[Christ] appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.
When I added the potent proof for the empty tomb of Jesus, and the convincing testimony about his post- Resurrection appearances, the case seemed conclusive.
The Sunday Matins Gospels (known as the "Matins Resurrection Gospels") are an eleven-week cycle of readings taken from the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus.
Resurrection appearances (24:13-43)