Research published this week suggested there are now 10 times more stay-at-home dads in Britain than a decade ago, with one in seven fathers the primary carer.
Research published in the journal Cancer on 15 May 2006 reports evidence that actibind has antiangiogenic and anticarcinogenic characteristics.
Research published in 2012 named fomitiporiaester A, a natural furan derivative isolated from methanolic extract of F. ellipsoidea fruit bodies.
Theory and Research in Education publishes theoretical, empirical and conjectural papers with the aim of contributing to the development of educational theory, policy and practice.
Research reported in September 2009 and published in Icarus shows that the ice rich layers of the ice cap match models for Martian climate swings.
Research published in 2005 by the Home Office and based on the Offending, Crime and Justice Survey found that:
Research published in 2006 by Barnhart et.
Research published in the journal BioMed Central Evolutionary Biology showed that males offered gifts to females in return for the opportunity to mate.
Research and Findings) published in 1964.
Research published this month revealed that deskbound workers have got bigger bottoms as the pressure of the weight causes fat cells to cluster.