Mr. Berman said his center hoped to help enact a Republican-backed bill that would prohibit unions from organizing workers through card checks.
When he vetoed the Republican-backed bill last month, Mr. Clinton said it would have benefited the wealthy while providing little relief to middle-income people.
The Republican-backed bill, similar to one that passed the House earlier this year, would cap jury awards for pain and suffering at $250,000 in medical malpractice cases.
Under a Republican-backed bill to pay for the operations of the E.P.A. and other agencies, spending on environmental enforcement would be cut by more than 20 percent.
But the Democrats also contend that the Republican-backed bill goes too far and would hamstring efforts to write health, safety, environmental and educational standards.
In 2006 Ayotte opposed a Republican-backed bill that would clearly establish a Castle doctrine for New Hampshire.
President Clinton vetoed as promised today a Republican-backed bill that would have provided tax breaks for parents who saved for education costs, including private-school tuition.
The Kansas House passed a Republican-backed bill on February 24 that would ban voluntary deductions from union members' paychecks for political activities.
A Republican-backed bill would cut spending on environmental enforcement by more than 20 percent.
By promoting a Republican-backed bill, the AARP is assisting a political party whose long-term goals are at odds with its own.