But only Republican votes can be counted toward delegates.
Their votes are weighted according to how many Republican votes were cast from a committee member's district in the previous statewide election.
But the measure's extension to corporations lost Republican votes and failed to attract any Democrats.
As the election neared, they hoped to win either Presidential concessions or more Republican votes.
This time we won, 235-195, having picked up almost 20 Republican votes by negotiating a substantial cut in the costs of the bill.
Such legislation, having 33 Republican votes in the Assembly, needs 8 Democrats to pass.
The Democrats' strategy was to collect at least 6 Republican votes to add to the 45 from their own party.
Estimates indicate that the vote will be close, but the President probably has an edge because all he needs are Republican votes.
Petersen was unopposed in the 2012 Republican primary, winnig 2,632 votes.
They badly need at least a few Republican votes to pass a budget in time for the start of the fiscal year on July 1.
So great was the reluctance of Congress to accept the extension requested by the President that Republican votes were essential to victory.
He cast the sole Republican vote against the confirmation of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.
In the 1860 Presidential election, the Republican popular vote was concentrated in the free states.
She lost to Republican incumbent, Heather Wilson by 875 (out of 211,000) votes.
In the July 20th Republican primary vote, Handel received 34% and former Congressman Nathan Deal received 23%.
In the Senate, Republican votes are all but essential to passing a bill; in the House they are not.
Some supporters of the measure suggested asking the Senate to reconsider, but Senator Belatti, a Republican, saidanother vote would not be taken.
Utah County's (home of Provo and Brigham Young University) Republican vote (86%) was by far the largest percentage of any county its size in America.
In most of these districts, the Republican primary vote is traditionally low, so Mr. Robertson could win delegates with a small vote.
For the legislation to get approved, Republican votes would be needed.