They say the public gets the idea that Republicans are threatening to destroy the unique nature of the Senate.
Until today, Republicans rejected that option and threatened a filibuster.
In fact, some Republicans have vaguely threatened to extract both seats from the city, offering little justification beyond their obvious political might.
Republicans are threatening to overcome such a move by calling a majority vote to change the Senate rules, a move known as the "nuclear option."
Senior Republicans, complaining about the one-size-fits-all approach, are threatening a filibuster.
It is now ready for the Senate floor, but Republicans are threatening a filibuster.
But they withdrew their demands to change the bill after Republicans threatened to withhold their support.
A16 Republicans threatened to filibuster the family leave bill.
Republicans have threatened to bolt from any proposal that raises taxes, even minor ones.
The bill now goes to the House, where Republicans are threatening to add anti-abortion provisions, as they have in the past.