Among conservative leaders, his church, which draws 2,500 regular Sunday worshipers in a heavily Republican suburb of Columbus, is considered a model for activism.
His home turf - the increasingly Republican outer suburbs - now accounts for a third of the statewide vote.
While Obama easily won Richmond itself (which is 57% African American), he also made significant inroads into Richmond's traditionally heavily Republican suburbs.
Abner's response was to move to Evanston, a wealthy and primarily Republican suburb, and to run for Congress from that District.
Clearly, gun control is widely supported not only in Democratic cities but also many Republican suburbs.
He also made significant inroads in Atlanta's normally heavily Republican suburbs.
At the Kmart here in this solidly Republican suburb outside Philadelphia the other day, even people who said they liked the Speaker were leery of him.
President Clinton came to this predominantly Republican suburb today to warn that if there were more cuts in Federal benefit programs the middle class would be squeezed.
A new department - in effect, an administrative district - in the heavily Republican suburbs would presumably lead to the election of Republican judges.
Several heavily Republican suburbs of San Antonio were shifted into the 23rd district, all but ensuring Bonilla of a seventh term.