Initially Republicans considered the 1954 elections an anomaly and would retake to legislature in the following elections in 1956.
When the Republicans retook the White House, Holbrooke returned to civilian life.
In the 1962 mid term election Republicans strengthened their majority in the House and retook the Senate.
The Republicans made a net gain of 63 seats from Democrats and retook control of the chamber which they lost in the 2006 midterm elections.
After serving as minority leader, he was elected Speaker of the House in 1915 when the Republicans retook control of the body.
Republicans retook the Senate in 2002 and added to their margin in the House.
Mexican Republicans were victorious and retook control of the city.
Republicans also retook the majority in the State House, which was caputred by Democrats in 2006.
It was devastating, with Republicans retaking the House for the first time in half a century.
In 1994, when Republicans retook both houses, a chorus of commentators was there to impugn the new leaders and even to rage against the electorate.