For that reason, Republicans have long supported and promoted policies to improve safety on the job by preventing workplace injuries and illnesses.
The progressive Republicans favored restrictions on the employment of women and children, promoted ecological conservation, and were more sympathetic toward labor unions.
Since 80 percent of new businesses fail, the Republicans are promoting an economic recovery plan with a core 80 percent failure rate.
But intent on holding the moral high ground, Republicans resolutely promoted their own view of policy issues.
Why would the Republicans be promoting him, except that he is their Presidential candidate?
In all these areas, Republicans can progressively promote change, while Democrats remain the churlish defenders of the status quo.
Unless, of course, the Republicans are promoting it, in which case the redistribution invariably goes uphill.
And Republicans have promoted the notion as well.
The Republicans are promoting these proposals as part of an overall effort to shift power and responsibility from the Federal Government to the states.
Republicans have long promoted it as one of the toughest and most radical proposals by any state.