Mr. Goeas, the Republican pollster, agreed that Democrats appeared more motivated now.
A focus group organized by Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster, found it impressive and persuasive.
"He became bitter and angry," says Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster.
"This is not happy data," said Bill McInturff, the Republican pollster who conducted the survey.
"He gives off different signals every day of the week," said Mr. Luntz, the Republican pollster.
The Republican pollsters who said during the campaign that voters preferred six-year limits seemed to back off their own findings.
Mr. Ayres, the Republican pollster, sees it differently.
If so, it is a strategy that Republican pollsters and strategists are convinced fits the national mood.
"Talking about the fourth down with five yards to go is offensive to a lot of women," explains Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster.