And with the China trade vote under their belt, the Republicans could point to yet another accomplishment.
Republicans point to the importance of national security or the large amounts of money being raised by left-leaning groups.
Republicans point to various surveys showing acceptance of tax breaks for the affluent.
The Republicans also point proudly to the 1986 tax act that removed about six million poor families from the income tax rolls.
Republicans point to several crucial twists that have gone their way in the past two months.
But Republicans pointed to the nomination as an example of naked political cronyism.
Republicans point to polls showing that personal accounts are, in fact, viewed positively, particularly among younger Americans.
Republicans have also pointed to troubling signs of pilot shortages, aging equipment and training cuts for some time now.
But Republicans pointed to the nomination as a stark example of political cronyism.
Already, the Republicans and the Democrats are pointing fingers.