But beneath those issues, the 37-year-old Republican was campaigning against the loss of innocence felt by so many people since his own childhood in the 1960's.
The Republicans, who voted across the board against the increases, campaigned almost exclusively this year by attacking them.
The Republican campaigned as an outsider, a citizen legislator not from the ranks of lifetime politicians.
In the 38 races for governor under way this year, Republicans and even some Democrats are campaigning on similar platforms.
His announcement came just a few weeks after last fall's election, in which Republicans had campaigned on their own pledge of a tax cut.
Republicans will be campaigning this fall on the idea that "Daschle Democrats" have been both weak and obstructionist.
In the end, taxes were raised by about half that amount, and some Republicans are now campaigning on the message that they prevented further increases.
Both Republicans are campaigning hard, and trying hard not to look like Beltway insiders.
Republicans running for the Legislature, both incumbents and political newcomers, campaigned on the need for caps.
Republicans have recently been campaigning to eliminate political action committees.