Pataki's Pack-Up Support The four State Senate challengers this year are, like Mr. Pataki, Republican Assemblymen going after their State Senate colleagues.
Other Republican Assemblymen, including John O. Bennett of Little Silver and Joseph A. Palaia of Ocean Township, also have been mentioned.
But last Monday, after seeing several of the advertisements, the Governor accused Mr. Larkin, the Republican Assemblyman from the Hudson Valley, of "out-and-out lies."
In a final moment of embarrassment, Republican Assemblymen from Suffolk, Mr. Gaffney's colleagues when he served in the Assembly, declined to vote to authorize the sales tax increase, nearly derailing the plan's approval.
Joseph M. Kyrillos Jr., Republican Assemblyman, Middletown.
"I looked at the family life and said, 'My kids need me to be more available,"' said Mr. Spano, a longtime Republican Assemblyman from Yonkers and member of one of Westchester's dynastic political families.
Her father, a former Republican Assemblyman and former chairman of the New York Power Authority, is the senior partner in the Plattsburgh law firm of FitzPatrick, Trombley, Owens & Lantinen.
The organization representing Republican Assemblymen called the Assembly Republican Victory had raised $2.2 million and spent $2.4 million.
The official, Alfred A. Delli Bovi, a former Republican Assemblyman from Queens who heads the Federal Urban Mass Transportation Administration, toured the closed bridge with Donald J. Trump.
Jay LaSuer, Republican Assemblyman from San Diego co-owned a house with Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy in the Willowcreek neighorhood.