The city is suddenly attacked by a hostile force known as the Republic, led by a rogue Chinese general named Yan Lo.
At the same time, the Pomeranian Voivodeship was part of the Second Polish Republic, led by Józef Piłsudski.
Second Republic, led by Admiral Didier Ratsiraka (1975-1991)
The Democratic Republic of Georgia, led by the Social Democratic (Menshevik) party, declared its independence from Russia on May 26, 1918.
In 1983, the north declared itself to be the independent Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, led by Rauf Denktash.
The Qing rulers were overthrown in 1911, and the Republic of China, led by Sun Yat-sen, was declared.
April 26 - A new government is formed in the Republic of Congo, led by Ambroise Noumazalaye.
In 1918 he became a vice-minister in the first government of the Second Polish Republic led by Prime Minister Ignacy Daszyński.
In 1796 the old manor house was the headquarters of an uprising against the government of the French Republic led by Count Joseph de Puisaye.
Until the 1876 elections, the royalist movement dominated the legislature, thus creating the paradox of a Republic led by anti-republicans.