Chiara Matraini (1515-1604) was an Italian Renaissance poet and writer.
This Italian influence can also be found in the poetry of Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542), one of the earliest English Renaissance poets.
- Zadar, 1499) was a Croatian Renaissance poet.
Matteo Maria Boiardo (1440/1 - December 20, 1494) was an Italian Renaissance poet.
Czarnolas is famous as the residence of the Polish Renaissance poet, Jan Kochanowski.
Szymon Szymonowic - (1558-1629) Polish Renaissance poet.
Battista Malatesta (1384 - 1448), Renaissance poet.
After Tęczyński's death in 1561, Otwinowski returned to Poland for good, where he remained active as a humanist, theologian, and Renaissance poet.
Pedro Manuel de Urrea (1486-1535) was a Spanish Renaissance poet and playwright.
Juraj Baraković (1548 - August 1, 1628) was a Croatian Renaissance poet from Zadar.