The free state of Danzig will be proclaimed a part of Reich territory by the outbreak of hostilities at the latest.
Everything had to be transported nearly 1,000 kilometers from Reich territory.
They were needed, as always, for the air defense of the Reich territory.
By the following month, the regiment was itself based in Reich territory.
Possibly most hated man in Reich territory.
No wonder it's banned within Reich territory; I'd ban it myself.
This is particularly necessary since from 10 October onwards the Jews have been evacuated from Reich territory, including the Protectorate, to the East in a continuous series of transports.
This was made more difficult to predict by the fact that the bomber stream often flew in a zigzag course across Reich territory.
Days later, Himmler forbade all further Jewish emigration from Reich territory "in view of the forthcoming 'Final Solution' of the Jewish question."
The Free State of Danzig will be proclaimed a part of the Reich territory at the outbreak of hostilities, at the latest.