The Erlangen School tried to combine Reformation theology with the new learning.
As the chaplain of Christ Church, Oxford, from 1980 to 1988, he taught Reformation theology and Renaissance music history.
Paxton traveled extensively in the United States, Britain, South Africa, the Philippines and New Zealand lecturing in Reformation theology.
They all shared a keen interest in rediscovering major motifs of Reformation theology, and examining how such motifs had been employed in different ways throughout history.
Somerset's commissions were led by the evangelical M.P. John Hales, whose socially liberal rhetoric linked the issue of enclosure with Reformation theology and the notion of a godly commonwealth.
Dinesh D'Souza states that while he has a Catholic background, which is important to him, he is comfortable with Reformation theology; he thus describes himself as a nondenominational Christian.
They condemned the Philippist position for indifferentism, describing it as a "unionistic compromise" of precious Reformation theology.
Despite assimilating Italian techniques and Reformation theology, Holbein's art in many ways extended the Gothic tradition.
Adoption was an important feature of Reformation theology as demonstrated by article 12 of the Westminster Confession of Faith:
He has also written on the history of the turning point in Luther's Reformation theology.