Instead they wanted the Red Sox to give them $15 million.
Exhilarating as Tampa Bay's surge has been, the Red Sox just gave it away.
He did hear one complaint: a man asked why the Red Sox did not give the Monster this face-lift last year.
The Red Sox, a team that knows about hitting, gave him more credit.
Martínez, a free agent for the first time at age 33, wants a four-year contract that the Red Sox will not give him.
The Red Sox have given us real thrills.
By the time he surrendered his first run, the Red Sox had given him a 3-0 lead.
The Red Sox gave Ramirez permission to report March 1, a day after the mandatory date.
Now he basically has to take what the Red Sox will give him, but he doesn't like their current offer.
The Red Sox gave Abreu a Tuesday deadline to accept their offer.