In 1906, the theatre introduced the first moving electrical sign on Broadway with an advertisement for its production of Herbert's The Red Mill.
Beginning with The Red Mill, Broadway shows installed electric signs outside the theatres.
The first release was a 10-inch Lp, which was later reissued on one side of a 12-inch Lp with The Red Mill on the reverse.
This version was issued on CD in 2008 along with selections from The Red Mill and Sweethearts.
John Michael King made his Broadway debut in a revival of The Red Mill in 1945.
Decca Broadway reissued the complete album on CD (again paired with The Red Mill) in 2002.
She made her film debut in 1927 in The Red Mill, directed by Roscoe Arbuckle.
Modiste (1905) and The Red Mill (1906), which solidified Herbert as one of the best-known American composers.
Even in some of his earlier works, such as The Red Mill (1906), Herbert was already adopting elements that would later become associated with musical comedy in America.
Historic Red Mill in Bridgwater, one of New England's most famous landmarks.