While at Illinois he played football under Coach Robert Zuppke and with Red Grange.
While attending Illinois, his roommate was Illini football great Red Grange.
Pro Football Hall of Fame running back Red Grange participated in the coin toss ceremony.
American Football League (1926) (the "G" referred to star player Red Grange)
Long credited to Grantland Rice, Mr. Brown was actually the person that coined the nickname for fabled Illinois running back Red Grange.
It was the morning after the Giants had beaten the Bills in the Super Bowl in Tampa, some 75 miles west of where Red Grange died.
In 1927, Weldon proclaimed the 16-year-old Oliver to be the "second Red Grange."
Among the players that Zuppke coached at Illinois, was Red Grange, the most celebrated college football player of the era.
January 28 - Red Grange, American football player (born 1903)
The most famous Illinois football player was Red Grange.