On May 19, 2010, the production company won the appeal to run the event and was granted its permit by the Park & Recreation Commission.
It is operated by the Recreation Commission.
He also served on the board of the San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission.
Separately the city was running playgrounds, athletic fields, and recreational facilities under the direction of the Recreation Commission.
The Parks & Recreation Commission also create family events for the community as well as oversee the park.
They are managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.
The program's prior sponsor, the Recreation Commission, dropped it this summer and the board of education does not want to get involved.
When the after-school program began, the Recreation Commission, the sponsor from the start, said it would oversee the program temporarily.
What if a child got hurt and the Recreation Commission was sued?
For 1982 alone, the state's Park and Recreation Commission reported a loss of $800,000 for the theater.