If the CBS executives thought that it would be a good movie then, the only thing that changed was the outcry from organized Reagan supporters.
In the Senate, several longtime Reagan supporters voiced outrage at Reagan.
He is a Republican and is said to be a staunch Reagan supporter but he is not politically active.
Reagan supporters credit them with helping the 1980s economic expansion that eventually lowered the deficits.
Why, instead, did exit polls show that two of every three of the 26,761 who voted for Pat Robertson were Reagan supporters?
Mr. Coffey and his wife, Betty, who are Reagan supporters, were watching the State of the Union speech.
But Reagan supporters critical of Mr. Clinton's plan have only themselves to blame.
Some staunch Reagan supporters said the speech would probably end an episode that would be an unpleasant footnote in a successful Presidency.
CBS has not distributed the film, but Reagan supporters have already voiced strong objections.
"I'm proud of my progressive stands on social issues, and Chris Shays is running as a Reagan supporter even though his record belies that."