The show was co-produced by Ray Romano, and based in part on Romano's comedy material.
Before the upfronts, the network announced that it was considering a second season featuring Ray Romano.
Ray Romano (b. 21 December 1957) is an American actor and comedian.
And while it may be true that viewers get the television they deserve, some of the blame goes to Ray Romano for leading the way.
Ray Romano joined the cast on September 11, 2012.
But its star, Ray Romano, has already indicated that he wants this to be his last year.
"We don't want to milk the story into an hour," said Ray Romano, the star of the sitcom.
"I think Ray Romano and Vanessa Williams rented it in the past."
Ray Romano had just sat down at the table when this hand played itself out.
Ray Romano used to open up shows for me in front of all-black audiences and he would kill.