Balhinch includes Rattlesnake Canyon and Weir Cemetery.
He suggested Rattlesnake Canyon.
The officers traced the outlaws to a camp at Rattlesnake Canyon, near Elk Mountain, where they were spotted by a gang lookout.
On August 4, they arrived at Rattlesnake Canyon in Carlsbad Caverns National Park and made camp.
In 1909, Jeff Power and his family homesteaded in Rattlesnake Canyon and began mining nearby.
Other places with Rattlesnake Canyon in their name:
The setting was Rattlesnake Canyon in New Mexico, described here as a crack in the landscape and "a moral fracture as well."
In 1808, to build a more permanent structure, dams were built by Mexican artisans on Mission Creek and in Rattlesnake Canyon.
The firefighters are memorialized at the Rattlesnake Fire Memorial overlooking Rattlesnake Canyon.
Groves of aspen exist in several washes, including Rattlesnake Canyon.