The Rangers are also seeking a backup goalie to replace Dan Cloutier, who was traded last month.
Even if they add Fleury, though, the Rangers will probably seek another center.
"It can happen," Nichols said, when asked if the Rangers could seek permission before mid-July.
There were numerous reasons why the Rangers sought to bring back the 39-year-old Messier, who left for Vancouver in the summer of 1997.
To stay longer than that with the Rangers, he needs to provide the offensive skills from the defensive spot that the Rangers are seeking.
According to the statement, the Rangers will seek to trade Dionne to any interested team.
Alongside changes to the stadium itself, Rangers have also sought to develop land around Ibrox.
By now suing Keenan, the Rangers, as the fans understand, are seeking to strong-arm compensation from the Blues.
It was unlikely that the Ranger had sought him out just to make conversation, but Kethol was willing to wait until Grodan got to the point.
The Somalis whom the Rangers were seeking had been captured without significant American casualties.