A five-kilometer race through Central Park to benefit the Rainforest Foundation.
The bride, 32, is the development officer for the Rainforest Foundation, a nonprofit environmental organization based in New York.
In 1989 the couple founded the Rainforest Foundation, which has raised more than $25 million to support indigenous rainforest peoples and help them protect their ancestral lands.
She donates 5 percent of Heartwood's sales to the Rainforest Foundation.
They include the Rainforest Foundation, Unicef and the Soil Association, which supports organic farming.
In addition to the annual flagship concert, Sting holds other concerts and hosts other types of events to benefit the Rainforest Foundation.
The move was made possible by another outside force, The Rainforest Foundation.
The over-50 set energized the crowd at the benefit for the Rainforest Foundation at Carnegie Hall on Tuesday.
The Triple Marathon is part of the fundraising program of The Rainforest Foundation.
A joint statement from groups including Friends of the Earth and the Rainforest Foundation condemned the change as "totally unacceptable".