These mainly originated in the Rad Lab where some 100 different types were initiated.
The most ambitious, long-term effort of the Rad Lab was Project Cadillac, developing the first airborne early-warning radar system.
Ernest Lawrence was an active participant in forming the Rad Lab and personally recruited many key members of the initial staff.
Even before opening, the founders identified the first three projects for the Rad Lab.
At the height of its activities, the Rad Lab employed nearly 4,000 people working in several countries.
The resonant-cavity magnetron continued to evolve at the Rad Lab.
Loomis, always a very private person who avoided publicity, retreated from public life entirely after closing the Rad Lab and finishing his related obligations in 1947.
Bethe was only at Rad Lab a short time but produced his aperture theory while there.
Rad Lab developed waveguide cavity filters.
Rad Lab can refer to: