Washing your hands often and not sharing eating and drinking utensils are simple ways to help prevent the spread of RSV infection.
Severe RSV infections have increasingly been found among elderly patients.
Up to 40% of young children with their first RSV infection will develop noticeable wheezing, and up to 2% will require hospitalization.
RSV infection of the lower respiratory tract cells results in cell death and sloughing into the lumen of the respiratory tree.
This medication is not used to treat RSV infection.
Continue monthly injections even if your child has a RSV infection.
A virus causes RSV infection.
Cold-like symptoms of RSV infection, including cough and runny nose, usually last one to two weeks.
Taking measures to prevent RSV infection is important for all babies.
Therefore, caring for a baby with RSV infection involves treating symptoms of infection and its effects on the respiratory system.