The freight project might increase train and truck traffic in her western Queens district, she said.
The 1966 election was the first following the splitting of the 5th Queens district.
There were many questions this week in the southwest Queens district, one of the largest in the city's school system.
The organization has candidates running in all 14 Queens districts.
It will house 150 eighth graders drawn from across the Queens district, not just from the immediate neighborhood, as the school had done.
And an especially heart-wrenching one I saw in the Queens district.
It will become just another anonymous Queens district.
One is the apparent underrepresentation of Hispanics in a Queens district.
But as he seeks re-election in his Queens district, he talks like a man without a political care in the world.
Onorato is resident of the Queens district he has represented since 1983.
The freight project might increase train and truck traffic in her western Queens district, she said.
The 1966 election was the first following the splitting of the 5th Queens district.
There were many questions this week in the southwest Queens district, one of the largest in the city's school system.
The organization has candidates running in all 14 Queens districts.
It will house 150 eighth graders drawn from across the Queens district, not just from the immediate neighborhood, as the school had done.
And an especially heart-wrenching one I saw in the Queens district.
It will become just another anonymous Queens district.
One is the apparent underrepresentation of Hispanics in a Queens district.
But as he seeks re-election in his Queens district, he talks like a man without a political care in the world.
Onorato is resident of the Queens district he has represented since 1983.