Allen was a member of the Queen Henrietta's company through the main phase of its existence, from 1625 to 1636.
The second aspect of the satire involves Queen Henrietta's circle.
After the deaths of both authors, the play would become the property of Queen Henrietta's Men.
Some of its members, like Read, passed on to the Queen Henrietta's company.
For Queen Henrietta's Men, only five cast lists survive.
Clark was with Queen Henrietta's Men during the first and most significant phase of their existence, from 1625 to 1636.
The Queen Henrietta's company was disrupted and fractured by the bubonic plague epidemic of 1636-37.
Only five cast lists survive for the whole history of Queen Henrietta's Men.
The Queen Henrietta's company was disrupted by a long theatre closure due to bubonic plague in 1636-37.