It relocated in 1916 to the nearby newly designated military post of Quarry Heights, which had begun construction in 1911.
By early 1942, a Joint Operations Center had been established at Quarry Heights.
The community, known as Quarry Heights, now has a chance at getting modern plumbing.
Mr. Wuttke, 67, grew up in Quarry Heights and has been fighting to get municipal water into the area for most of his life.
Suzanne Steere grew up in Quarry Heights and recently spent $10,000 for a well that is 850 feet deep.
Even the luxury development that could bring the water and sewer lines to Quarry Heights is in a neighboring town, hidden by thick woods.
Still, Ms. Lacey thinks Quarry Heights has already grown too crowded.
"For 60 years we've been trying to get sewer and water in here,"said Charles Wuttke, a resident of Quarry Heights.
This could have improved the conditions for families and Quarry Heights and increased the value of the real property.
Quarry Heights has always been identified as an area with potential health concerns.