All are west of Quaker Lane, the main north-south artery through Alexandria:
We had almost reached the foot of Quaker Lane.
I turned my face towards the darkness of Quaker Lane, where the elm trees thrashed, and began the long uncertain walk uphill.
Every tree had been carefully recorded; it was even possible to make out the winding curve of Quaker Lane, and one or two small cottages there.
'Did you find out why it was named "Quaker Lane"?'
I drove back to Quaker Lane.
At the top of Quaker Lane, the cottage waited for me old and forbidding and now more neglected-looking than ever.
I kept on walking up the hill, past the end of Quaker Lane, and back at last to the Granitehead Market.
I drove back up Quaker Lane, and parked outside the cottage.
His residence, Goodman House, was built in 1954 at 514 Quaker Lane in Alexandria.