The Quadrangle Group, an investment firm that specializes in media, is a likely contender.
Get is owned by Quadrangle Group.
Goldman, Sachs and the Quadrangle Group, the investment banks pouring cash into it, know that.
Apparently, that sort of growth attracted the Quadrangle Group.
In the latest example, Quadrangle Group, the media and communications investment firm, is planning to announce today that it is starting a hedge fund.
Rattner left the position in 1999 and Lazard in 2000 to form Quadrangle Group.
"It's just a very different company than it was," said Steven Rattner, the founder of the Quadrangle Group, an investment firm that specializes in media assets.
The conference is run by the Quadrangle Group, a private equity firm that specializes in media and technology.
He was previously a co-founding principal of the Quadrangle Group, a global private equity firm specializing in the media and communications industries.
The Quadrangle Group declined to comment.