The post-Monty Python film Yellowbeard also had a few scenes filmed on the cobbled street.
Like the Python films, "Young Einstein" is an uneven series of sketches strung along an extended joke.
Following the success of Holy Grail, reporters asked for the title of the next Python film, despite the fact that the team had not even begun to consider a third one.
He appeared in sketches and the Python films, as well as performing some of his songs in Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl.
The new film doesn't measure up to the best of the Python films, but it consistently entertains through the occasional gags that do not work and dialogue that is sometimes obscured by sound effects.
The sketch also appeared in the first Python film, And Now For Something Completely Different.
The same dialogue is in "Spamalot," the hit Broadway musical, in which Eric Idle plundered and transformed the brilliant Python film.
Booth secured parts in episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus and in the Python film And Now for Something Completely Different.
Directed by John Whatley, the production relied heavily on English dialect coaching by Eryl Child making sure it was true to the beloved Python films and gags.
The second Python film, which was in '74, we got £4,000 each for writing and acting it.