Python fans, get your VCR's ready.
But last Saturday night, Mr. Gioia - a self-described huge Python fan - headed to Broadway with his uncle and two cousins.
After that, he travels through the Corinth Canal to Athens, where he sees the world-renowned evzones, and meets a die-hard Python fan.
And the success of Spamalot, the Broadway musical, shows Python fans are still desperate for more.
One star turn that proved most memorable among Python fans was "The Ministry of Silly Walks", where he worked for the eponymous government department.
This caused an Internet crisis, with many Python fans asking on sites whether Cleese had actually died.
Despite its short running time (40 seconds) it has proven to be quite memorable for Python fans and was frequently performed during the team's live shows.
When I was at university I was a great Python fan.
Christ on a bike, the Python fans are as reactionary as the half-term governor crew.
But for us, we're not Python fans.