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The area has always been an important pass through the Pyrenees.
First, however, we want to spend a month or so in the Pyrenees.
There is no bed for the Pyrenees in that group.
How can he push himself through the Pyrenees when the end is so close?
So she left and took an airplane to the Pyrenees.
It's her first time in the Pyrenees, although she feels very much at home.
One day we were in the saddle for 12 hours going up the Pyrenees.
Upon his death he was considered a saint in the Pyrenees.
True mountains, however, were not included until the Pyrenees in 1910.
"Oh, yes, tell about the time you were lost in the Pyrenees!"
This mountain is one of the highest in the Pyrenees.
In the central section of the Pyrenees, however, passage is difficult.
Stage 12 was the first of three stages in the Pyrenees.
The mountain stages, which start next week in the Pyrenees, should make the final decision.
Today, though, the Pyrenees were just a barrier to my progress.
Neither is likely to star in the Pyrenees, where the racing will change.
"I had a bad day in the Pyrenees," he said.
The drive to return bears to the Pyrenees goes back a decade or so.
I am referring to cases of collaboration in the Pyrenees.
These slopes have the reputation of being the best you can find in the Pyrenees.
Even the towering mountains, in a certain light, looked much the same as the Pyrenees.
We were taken by bus to the foothills of the Pyrenees.
So, more than 30,000 men deserted and crossed back over the Pyrenees.
More than 30,000 men deserted and returned to their homes across the Pyrenees.
This place, close to the Pyrenees, has been recommended to him by the doctors because of the better air quality.