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"He's a Great Pyrenees," she retorted, quickly running out of breath.
In nature, the Great Pyrenees is confident, gentle (especially with children), and affectionate.
The Great Pyrenees' size makes it an imposing guardian.
Like similar breeds, some Great Pyrenees tend to drool, especially with exercise.
When domesticated, the Great Pyrenees' coat needs brushing once or twice weekly.
They share many characteristics of many mountain dog breeds such as the Great Pyrenees.
Dewclaws in the Great Pyrenees are attached to the bony structure of the leg.
Hemingway, the Great Pyrenees who drags me to the park every morning, hardly gave the stray a second glance.
Despite this relative stubbornness, it is quite unusual for the Great Pyrenees to become aggressive or turn on its master.
Great Pyrenees, a dog breed.
One breed for which lack of dewclaws is considered a fault is the Great Pyrenees.
But she soon realized it was not Vivi but a great Pyrenees belonging to a member of the search party.
As Great Pyrenees mature, their coats grow thicker and the longer colored hair of the coat often fades.
Ego, a Great Pyrenees, hails from a long line of ancestors bred to guard sheep in the mountains.
The Great Pyrenees can be slow to learn new commands, slow to obey, and somewhat stubborn to train.
One singular characteristic of the Great Pyrenees is the unique double dew claws on each hind leg.
The Great Pyrenees protects its flock by barking, and being nocturnal, tends to bark at night unless trained against such behavior.
Mr. Breen, for example, would be "the guy with the overweight half Great Pyrenees that steals cheese."
It worked as an active herder together with the Great Pyrenees, another mountain dog, which acted as the flock's guardian.
Near the Douro by the closed Tyrian sea, He will come to pierce the great Pyrenees mountains.
Brianna had a Great Pyrenees, Moby, a great white dog as big as a small horse.
Same beast that created the St Bernard and Great Pyrenees if you can believe that one!!!
She often mentions her dogs on her radio show and currently lives with two Great Pyrenees, Max & Fred.
Pedigreed pugs, salukis, great Pyrenees and their sheepish owners line up in city parks for cut-rate vaccinations.
Great Pyrenees Is Second Ch.