So far this decade, the fiction Pulitzer winners have had mixed success on the Times lists.
And as a fellow Pulitzer winner noted, you know what the first line of your obituary will be.
Aaron Copland worked on composing Appalachian Spring, a 1945 Pulitzer winner.
"Our once and future Pulitzer winner spoke to a lot of angry folks."
Still no Pulitzer winner, and quite a bit longer than Hello, ex-wife, but it's not all about speed, as I've already tried to point out.
What's typically not on the N.B.A.'s finalist list is the year's Pulitzer winner, which isn't announced until the following April.
Some Pulitzer winners said the prizes had changed their lives.
Michael Chabon, writer and 2001 Pulitzer winner.
So let it be stipulated: Pulitzer winners have done extraordinary work.
"Two Nobel laureates, two Oscar, six Tony and five Pulitzer winners have all been here," he said.