It's also good news for the Pulitzer Committee, whose taste in these matters has been, to say the least, wayward over recent years.
The Pulitzer committee said that the stories "raise the literature of the Vietnam conflict to an original and highly personal new level."
The Pulitzer committee decided he was wrong.
If anything, it was in the teeth of speculation and gossip that the Pulitzer committee was forced to operate.
But I had some dark thoughts about whether the book's merits would be allowed to be the only consideration of the Pulitzer committee.
(They should have been flacks; the phone ringing in the next room is not and never will be the Pulitzer committee.)
In the wake of these online-only efforts, the Pulitzer Committee for the first time opened all its categories to online entries.
Carr was given an honorable mention in 1934 by the Pulitzer committee on awards for distinguished service as a foreign or Washington correspondent.
Mr. Houghton says doing advance work for the Pulitzer committee is not his intention.
"It's great the Pulitzer Committee is acknowledging that."