The audience stood and cheered the performers, especially those draped in Puerto Rican flags.
"All of a sudden it drapes itself in the Puerto Rican flag," he said.
The law prohibited owning or displaying a Puerto Rican flag anywhere, even in one's own home.
Under this law it became a crime to own or display a Puerto Rican flag anywhere, even in one's own home.
A Puerto Rican flag covers half of the wall to his back.
But they moved to the one directly in front because they saw a Puerto Rican flag tucked into the side of the car.
A Puerto Rican flag strung across the street implies a false sense of brotherhood.
He wore beads in the form of a Puerto Rican flag around his neck.
He wore a police department hat and a robe that was a replica of the Puerto Rican flag.
He is always wearing a shirt with the Puerto Rican flag and a baseball cap put on backwards.