About a third of the patients who spend more than five days there will experience some form of psychotic reaction.
He explains that Les is having an adverse psychotic reaction to the drug and orders him to stop taking it.
They called it something like a psychotic, depressive reaction.
Earlier this month, the boy's mother sued the maker of an acne medication he was using, saying it had caused a psychotic reaction.
He had a psychotic, paranoid reaction to it.
Sultiame taken together with primidone may lead to severe side-effects, including psychotic reactions.
These include depression, anxiety, irritability, nightmares, and psychotic reactions.
The danger of a psychotic reaction is especially great if LSD is given to someone without his or her knowledge.
Acute mercury exposure has given rise to psychotic reactions such as delirium, hallucinations, and suicidal tendency.
It could also, as readily, be ascribed to hallucination, hysterical or psychotic reaction, or perhaps nothing more than a guilty conscience.