In 1976, Psychological Abstracts recognized the JPP.
In 1984 Axelrod estimated that there were "hundreds of articles on the Prisoner's Dilemma cited in Psychological Abstracts", and estimated that citations to The Evolution of Cooperation alone were "growing at the rate of over 300 per year".
(Psychological Abstracts, 1938, 12, No. 5829.)
Psychotherapy Research is abstracted and indexed in MEDLINE, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, PsycLIT, and Innovations & Research.
Worked for 25 years as Abstractor for Psychological Abstracts.
Ansbacher served on the faculty of Brown University from 1940 through 1943, and worked for Walter S. Hunter as an editor for Psychological Abstracts.
Similar databases operated by other organizations include PsycLit and Psychological Abstracts.
PsycLIT was a CD-ROM version of Psychological Abstracts.
It is the electronic version of the now-ceased Psychological Abstracts.
In social research Sociological Abstracts is the main abstracting journal for sociology, as Psychological Abstracts is for psychology.